What is SLIT? Sublingual Immunotherapy, or SLIT, refers to allergy drops that are placed under the tongue. It is considered an alternative method to the traditional allergy shots to treat allergies. SLIT can treat all forms of environmental allergies: pollen, molds, pet dander(s), and dust mites. More importantly, it can treat food allergies, for people with one or multiple allergies to foods that traditional allergy shots are not approved for.
How does it work? With this therapy, the allergens are delivered by placing drops under the tongue, instead of injection. By delivering the drops under the tongue (sub-lingual), they reach the immune system through specialized cells known as dendritic cells. These cells have been found to be a safe, effective route for long term allergy treatment.
Benefits of SLIT:
1. Safe, effective therapy for those who are not candidates for allergy shots.
2. Convenient: drops are given at home. No need to travel to the clinic regularly to receive treatment. You can take the allergy drop bottle anywhere while travelling or to campus without having to find a nurse!
3. Cost effective and often cheaper: Although not covered by insurance, research shows that SLIT therapy is about 1/3 of the total cost compared to allergy shots.
4. Painless: no needles!

While severe allergic reactions are possible, there has been no reported case of anaphylaxis with this therapy. It is generally very well tolerated and can be done at the patient’s home.
Thank you for your interest in sublingual immunotherapy and we look forward to helping you further with your allergy treatment.