Headache Triggers
Food Triggers
- Aged Cheese
- Alcohol/Red Wine
- Chocolate
- Vinegar (except white vinegar)
- MSG (monosodium glutamate)
- Nuts, peanut butter
- Hot fresh breads, raised coffee cakes and doughnuts
- Lima beans, navy beans, and pea pods
- Canned figs
- Bananas
- Pizza
- Pork
- Processed meats (hotdogs, bologna, sandwich meat)
- Food dyes
- Sauerkraut
- Caffeine
- Artificial sweeteners
- Citrus fruits
- Sour cream, yogurt
Lifestyle Triggers
- Change in sleep patterns or sleep deprivation
- Skipping meals
- Change in physical activity
Environment Triggers
- Weather changes
- Bright Lights
- Odors/Pollution
Hormonal Triggers
Estrogen Level Changes
- Rapid fluctuations in estrogen levels, such as menstruation, hormone replacement therapies, birth control pills, menopause
- Puberty
Stress Triggers
- Work
- Family
- Home
- School work
- Excess number of extra-curricular activities
Stress Letdown Triggers
- Discontinuation of Work
- Weekend/Vacation
- Ending of Project or Stressful Task
Physical Triggers
- Injuries - Head Trauma
- Overexertion - exercising when out of shape or in the heat